Excellence synergy is the main pillar in every step of our way, ensuring that every project we work on reaches a high standard and meets the expectations of partners in Indonesia.
Our Business
In the manufacturing sector, PT PP Urban will continue to produce and develop precast concrete and ready-mix concrete products to meet the needs of the housing and other construction industry.
By leveraging long experience in the precast industry, PT PP Urban is involved as a contractor for precast-based flats for internal, national and regional projects.
As a developer, PT PP Urban is currently and will be building pure strata MBR housing, futures strata, and rental strata using its own land, in synergy with the private sector & BUMN/BUMD, and utilizing state land/BLU.
Tentang Kami
PT PP Urban
PT. PP Urban is a subsidiary of PT PP (Persero) Tbk, which is engaged in the construction and building management, as well as the production of precast concrete.
Developing the nation since 1989, URBAN Construction has been known as one of the most respected contractors in Indonesia. Supporting PT PP (Persero) Tbk for its construction business, URBAN Construction possesses a high-reputation on building Hospitals, Apartments, Markets, Universities, Offices, and Infrastructures Development.
Our Recent Post
PT PP Urban is a respected subsidiary of PT PP (Persero) Tbk